Birth Services
Birth Center Birth can be a great option for those who want more one on one individualized natural birth support than most hospitals can provide. Each birth suite is warm and inviting and provides you with privacy to give birth while being supported, protected, heard, comforted, and respected.
Once you are in active labor, your stay at Baby Catcher Birth Center will begin. You will be supported physically, emotionally, and medically throughout your birth. You will get to know our midwives throughout your prenatal care so the day of your birth your support comes from someone you know and trust. Your midwife, birth assistants, and doula (should you choose to have one) will help you with comfort measures by encouraging position changes, using massage, and making sure you are well fed and hydrated.
Your midwife will monitor you and the baby throughout the labor, birth and the postpartum period. Complete newborn exams will be performed and you will be stable, nursing, and ready to return to your home before discharge. Most families are ready to return home 3 to 6 hours after birth.
Prenatal Care Services
• Visits allowing plenty of time for questions and answers – 30-60 min.
• Discussions to explore and help resolve concerns you and your family may have.
• Birth Plan, Breastfeeding education, Newborn care, and Postpartum education
• Encouragement and practical suggestions for good nutrition and make healthy lifestyle choice.
• Full information about any recommended tests, procedures or treatments so you can make informed choices about your care.
• Individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care identifying and referring women who fall outside our scope of practice.
• Vital signs: weight, blood pressure, fundal height, urinalysis, etc…
• Monitoring baby’s heart rate and position
• What to expect with baby’s diapers, how to ask for postpartum help, and the things you wouldn’t normally talk about
• Referrals if needed for Doulas, chiropractors, OB/GYN, pediatricians, massage therapists, and placenta encapsulation.
Postpartum Care Services
Breastfeeding assessment, vitals on mom and baby
• Return home the same day you deliver your baby with extensive support from our team.
• Emotional assessments of the new mother
• Phone calls, texts, home and office visits to ensure a smooth transition into motherhood
Day 1 & 3 home visit
Day 7 visit
2 week visit
6 week visit
Any other visits as needed with no additional charge
• Professional referrals given as needed including pelvic floor therapist, lactation consultants, and chiropractors
• Filing of the birth certificate and social security card
• Pediatric referral for PKU and Hearing Screen
Labor & Delivery Services
• Both mother and baby are monitored closely during labor, birth and the immediate period
• Private birth suites with full sized bed, water birth tub, and toilet in each room.
• Dads are encouraged to be hands on during the birthing process
• We encourage effective and adequate ways to manage and cope with labor, such as: massage, heating pads, warm shower or tub baths, cold applications, nourishment, varying positions, emotional support, relaxation, and breathing techniques.
• We honor “the golden hour” while ensuring the safety of mother and baby.
• Baby receives full newborn exam while offering the standard of care medications.
• Monitoring of maternal vital signs and fetal heart tones
• Vaginal exams, if necessary
• Perineal inspection and repair
• Homeopathics, herbs and tinctures available
Boy or Girl? Find out with the SneakPeek Clinical Early Gender DNA Test! ($135)
Starting at 6 weeks into pregnancy
99.9% accurate DNA-based blood test
Administered by phlebotomy professional
Results in days, emailed straight to you!
Learn more: